Tracking Setup Plans & Pricing

Our tracking setup services are designed to ensure that your digital marketing efforts are precisely measured and optimized. Choose from our Starter, Standard, or Advanced plans to fit your business needs and goals.


$ 50
Delivery Time 2 days
  • 1 Tracking Goals Setup
  • Analytics & Tracking Setup
  • Tag Manager Setup


$ 150
Delivery Time 4 days
  • 1 Tracking Goals Setup
  • Analytics & Tracking Setup
  • Tag Manager Setup
  • Social Platform Tracking


$ 250
Delivery Time 6 days
  • 1 Tracking Goals Setup
  • Analytics & Tracking Setup
  • Tag Manager Setup
  • Ecommerce Purchase Tracking
  • Social Platform Tracking

Our service tiers offer tailored solutions for businesses of all sizes, ensuring that your tracking setup is accurate, efficient, and aligned with your marketing goals.

Monthly Maintenance

What’s Included in Each Plan

We provide a comprehensive suite of services across all plans, designed to cover every aspect of your tracking needs:

Our team will handle everything from account setup to integration with your website, ensuring that your analytics and tracking systems are fully optimized and tailored to your business needs.

Custom Solutions

If you have unique tracking requirements, we offer custom solutions that can be tailored to your specific needs. Whether it’s complex tag management or multi-platform tracking, our team is ready to provide a solution that fits your business.

Get started today by selecting the plan that’s right for you. Our team is here to ensure that your tracking setup is seamlessly integrated and that your data is accurate, actionable, and aligned with your business objectives. Contact us to learn more or to discuss a custom tracking setup!

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